Monday, June 18, 2012

Standstills and Father's Day

It seems like everyone around me is flying ahead so quickly all I can make out when I look at them is a stream of flying colors. They just won't. sit. still. Everyone has found love. Everyone is getting engaged. Everyone is getting married. Everyone has found some. new. success. (Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But trust me, not by much.)

And then there's me. Somehow frozen in time and in the unknown.
And for the most part, you know what? I'm okay with it. To hell with my need for control and a plan.
To hell with what everyone else thinks.

At this year's Father's Day family gathering on my father's side, while everyone else was busy showing off their new fiance or the great shape they've gotten in over the past year, I hadn't really had any remarkable changes happen to me.

"So.....Did you meet anyone down there at the U?" My Uncle Terry asked me as I sat inconspicuously among my many aunts and uncles.

"Nope. Still just me." I answered simply, as a handful of surrounding uncles quickly jumped to offer me condolences.

"Embrace the time you have being single."

"There's plenty of time for everything else."

"You have the rest of your life."

Yes. Yes, I do.

Now would you please. quit. harassing me about my love life?

Whenever that special someone decides to make an appearance in my life, trust me my dear uncles, I'll make sure you're among the first to know.


PS: Hope you all had a lovely Father's Day! Mine was fairly wonderful. Then again I have one of the greatest men you will meet for a father, so that helps. I know you won't be reading this, but I love you, Dad. I am so proud that I am your little girl. How lucky am I?


  1. i love this post. it's so true, so hard to hear at the time, but so true. :) it's gonna happen lady

    1. I trust it will. But patience has never been my strongest virtue... ;)

  2. You are right where you are suposed to be and being Daddy's little girl for a little while longer probably isn't such a bad place to be...for now.
