Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In the clouds...


Life's been a bit hazy as of late. I don't know where my head's been.  It certainly hasn't been here.

It seems all I have time to do is work, eat, and sleep. When I have an ounce free time I use it to catch up with those I love. If you've heard from me lately, you know I love ya.

The past couple of nights I've attempted to lay on the couch and watch a movie.  Each time the result is me passing out not even five minutes into the movie.  And then I end up sleeping the entire night on my not-incredibly-comfy couch and not in my welcoming bed. Ha, gotta love that.

Oh, the summer life.

I'm learning to embrace this craziness.



  1. i TOTALLY can relate to this! i feel like i haven't been myself lately...and i think it's largely because i just want to pass out whenever i get home from work too. we gotta do something about that ;) or just embrace the sleeping

    1. Ha, I hear ya! I took a four hour nap yesterday and didn't even think to feel guilty about it. ;) But on the plus side: I've managed to sleep in my bed lately! :) Hooray!
