Okay, so this isn't the best video clip, but it captures the essence of one of my favorite scenes from Sixteen Candles. (For those of you who aren't aware, Sixteen Candles is undoubtedly one of the best 80s flicks ever made. Oh, and also one of my favorite movies. Watch it! Then reread this post and come to better understand the references I'm making.)
Let's just say I'm feeling a little bit like Sam today. No, my family did not forget my birthday, nor would I ever let them. And no, my sister's not getting married tomorrow. (She's only 17! That'd be beyond weird!) But today I've come to find that working on your birthday majorly bites.
Here's to hoping there'll be a Jake Ryan lookalike standing in front of his red Porsche, waiting to take me back to his place for a romantic belated birthday party for two tomorrow. There we'll be sitting across from each other on his dining room table with nothing but a birthday cake between us. He'll ask me to make a wish, and I'll tell him that it already came true as we slowly lean towards one another until our lips meet for the first time. Sigh.
In my mind, it'd look something like this:

In reality, I'd probably end up catching fire or at least squashing the cake, and possibly even breaking that nice glass table we'd be sitting on.
But hey, a girl can dream can't she?
P.S. I hope to have my "20 before 20" list up before tomorrow! Any ideas you're willing to throw my way are more than welcome! The list is still a work in progress...
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