Tuesday, June 26, 2012

20 before 20

1. Go on a road trip
2. Run a 5K
3. Get my ears pierced
4. Go on a date
5. Register to vote
6. See the ocean
7. Keep a journal for my someday husband
8. Learn how to drive a stick shift
9. Take piano lessons
10. Get my passport
11. Finally read the Harry Potter series
12. Write at least one piece for my school's paper
13. Climb the rock wall on campus {or at least try}
14. Lose 20 pounds
15. Join a club on campus
16. Read the Bible daily
17. Buy a Polaroid camera {& learn how to use it properly}
18. Decide on a major
19. Get a 4.0 first & second semester
20. Write a blog post every day for 365 days

....And all before June 25th, 2013.

Finally! My list is complete! Over the next year I plan to do all of these things, and I cannot wait to share the story that comes with each one of them with you all.

What about you? What are some things you have on your leap or bucket list??



  1. this is great! i might de-friend you because of number 11 though...and number 14--ME TOO. we could be accountablity buddies;)

    1. Hahaha yeah when I was younger & Harry Potter was the thing to read my mom was weird about them & discouraged me from reading them...years later my younger sister is now OBSESSED so I've decided to finally give them a whirl!

      And I'm game for accountability buddies! I'm down about 8lbs already, but I'm aiming for another 20 on top of it! Being a "big girl" came in handy when I was in basketball in high school, but now it's just a pain in the butt when I go shopping. ;)

  2. OMG you haven't read Harry Potter??????? Loving the list though! (Harry Potter is awesome! I never get sick of reading them!)

    1. Haha nope not yet! But hopefully very soon! ;)
