Friday, July 13, 2012

Never mind

A very dear friend of mine and I were having a conversation yesterday.

She's the type of woman who just has joy seeping from every pore of her body. She's kind of silly and goofy; she doesn't always think before she does one crazy thing or another. She's my kind of woman, the kind who saved me from getting lost in safe living and really helped me embrace life.

Or rather, she was. Lately she's been distant and sad.

Hmm. Sad...There's a word I never thought I'd use to describe her, but today's another day and for some reason that word fits her perfectly as of late.

My friend has been pulling away from me and from life in general for some time actually.

It was so subtle at first I didn't even notice. Not getting a call or text from her during the week was understandable. Life is busy.

But all of a sudden, she was so far away.

My very dear friend and I were having a conversation that should have happened months ago yesterday afternoon. She had just given another reason as to why we couldn't meet up for some time to come.

"True," I said, allowing her that excuse, "I just feel like if we don't talk soon though, it might be too late...ever feel like that? Like God or time has given you a deadline of sorts that most are unaware of? It's silly I know..."

"Ha not really following"

"Ha never mind."

But I am not the kind of person who can just let things go. So we ended up having a version of the conversation that should have been had some time ago. Turns out I was right about that deadline, but unfortunately I was too late.

Yesterday's conversation lead our friendship which had been stretching and splintering for longer than I realized, to break.

What a terribly sad thing, to lose a friend...especially one you still love an awful lot.



  1. So sorry to hear this. I hope with time she will realize that she will need your
    friendship again. Everything happens for a reason:]

    1. I'm doing my best to keep our friendship going. It's kind of awkward, but one thing no one will be able to say is that I didn't try. I'm awfully stubborn, and it's times like this that comes in handy.
