Thursday, July 19, 2012


“I choke because my every day life begins too feel small compared to the expectation. And He breathes truth that a life is not made by lives saved or bellies fed or words written. To adore the one who created the Heavens and the Earth, to give thanks for who He is and all He has given, to worship and commune with Holy God, whispering in the quiet, clinging in the noise, believing in all
circumstances – this is what makes a life large.”
— Katie Davis 


How true this quote is.

I dream of changing the world, of doing something that, in the grand scheme of things,
really means something. But even if I change the world, accomplish every goal I’ve ever made, and lived the life I’d always wanted to, who am I to say that I’m a success?

All the power, money, and fame in the world won’t guarantee us happiness.  Being thin, smart, or beautiful won’t either. Having an amazing career, getting the promotion you’ve been working your arse off for, being the envy of your colleagues, it’s all meaningless in the end.

The world’s measure of greatness tends to be a little skewed. It’s easy to forget that.

But we must remember the truth.
