It’s moments like this, with the sunroof open and the breeze whipping through my hair, in the company of truly lovely friendship, that I am content. Content that I am where I am, right at the very moment I find myself in.
I used to be a girl, waiting for her prince charming to come to the rescue, but I'm not that girl anymore. You don't have to rescue me. I'm happy, wonderfully and genuinely happy now, right where I’m at. And while I would love some company to revel in the joy of being content with all that God has given me, I can wait.
Now, a year into my college experience, I realize that it would not have been right for me to meet you some time ago, when I wanted to oh so terribly. I wasn't ready. I've grown so much in the past year, hell in the last six months, it's unbelievable. Someday, on a lunch date or something of the like, I’m sure I’ll tell you about it all.
For now though, I'm learning, slowly but surely, how to be patient. {Emphasis on the slowly.} God grant me patience as I do my best to figure out this life I've been given, without you here to help guide my plans.
But, whether it's a day, week, year, or years before we meet, know this:
Even at this very moment, wherever you are on this crazy journey we call life,
I love you.
Oh my goodness, I wrote a letter to my future husband the other day that was almost identical to this! I'm with you on slowly by surely learning to be patient and embrace this time right now before I meet him. I love this.
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to be patient, isn't it? I have six weddings to go to in the next year, and just among my cousins! To say they make being content with my singleness difficult would be an understatement! :)
DeletePS: Thanks for stopping by! I just read your blog, and it sounds like we have an awful lot in common! It's nice to hear from you!
:):):):) i like this
ReplyDeleteMe too. :)