Tuesday, April 24, 2012


My heart hurts as of late.

My mother's friend Amanda has recently been diagnosed with breast and liver cancer. She is only thirty-five. She has three young children and is ten weeks pregnant with her fourth child. Her chemo treatments start tomorrow.

This is all just too sad. Why do these things happen? Why? I'm not even close to coming up with an answer.

I find myself constantly thinking about this sadness. I'll be in the middle of class or sitting in the library, and I'll just start crying. Not sobs, or even flowing tears, just a few quiet tears at a time.

My heart hurts as of late. Hurts for Amanda and all of her family and friends. Hurts for the possibility that her children will grow up with out her. Hurts for the possibility of...


I must not think like that. My heart may hurt, but I will not let it be dragged down by sorrow. With God's help, I will be strong. My mother needs me to be strong for her. I must be strong so my mother can be strong for Amanda.

I ask you, dear readers, to please, please pray for Amanda in whatever way you are able to.
She needs a miracle.



  1. This is one of the hardest parts of life. I have several friends who are battling cancer and I just lost a friend, also a mother. I wish I had some great words of wisdom to make this struggle easier but I don't. Just my love and prayers that Amanda have a full recovery. That your prayers are all answered in a way that reveals the good that every experience brings. (((hugs))) to you, your mom, and Amanda. <3

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers. They mean the world to me.
