Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I can do all things…

I feel like I should apologize. I haven’t forgotten about you, my little place on the internet.

This I promise.

Another school year has started here. Today marked week two. I’m enjoying my classes thus far, but I must admit they make me anxious. Is this really what I want to do? How do I know that at the end of these four years I’m going to want to do the very thing I’m preparing for? I talk myself into and out of my major at least twenty times a day. I’m not sure why I do it. I know all the worrying and stressing I do is pointless.

I do it anyways.

I landed myself a job today. I have an interview for another one tomorrow. I’ve decided to join my university’s newspaper staff and see how that goes. I’m starting not one, but two Bible studies in the next couple of weeks.

I can do all things through He who strengthens me. Even survive the wonderful craziness of college.

I hope.



  1. Congrats on the job!! Two jobs + college + school newspaper + bible study sounds kind of hectic though! it will all be an awesome experience though, and you get to look back on it and be super proud at all you accomplished :)

    I stress and worry about things pointlessly all the time too. My boyfriend says to me all time not to be anxious or stressed because it will all be okay..and I say just because I know I shouldn't and that it will all be okay eventually, doesn't stop me from actually feeling that way now, I need to come up with a solution other than 'just stop worrying about it' - that doesn't really work for me! You can't tell an anxious person to just stop being anxious, it doesn't really work that way. You need to work through the thoughts and anxiety and get to the problem so you can solve it.

    When I went through Uni and was studying law I freaked out ALL the time about whether I really wanted to be a lawyer, or if I would like it or want to do it for my whole career. Eventually I realised that I couldn't see myself doing anything else at that point in time, and that if you took away all the scary things I really loved it and enjoyed it. I decided that if I wanted to change my career later on down the track I would be happy that I had tried the law thing, and learned things. Life is all about learning, and if you decide you want to learn about something else down the track then give yourself permission to! It took a weight off my shoulders :)

    If your still unsure why don't you ask some places where your major would take you if they will let you do work experience for a while. I seriously found that invaluable. Hands on work is COMPLETELY different to what you will do at school


    1. Wow! First off, it is really, really great to hear from you! My blogging community feels so far away in the midst of all the chaos. It's a lot to handle, but I think {pray} I can do it. :) I'm glad that I'm not the only one who's gone through college uncertain of where they'll end up at the end of it! I start my first teaching internship this November, so I guess until then we'll just have to wait and see what God has in store. :)
