Thursday, September 6, 2012

God is good.

I’m back in the dorms again, sleeping just one long hallway away from where I was last year. But oh what a difference a year can make. I’ve changed a lot in the last year.

Now, by changed I by no means am referring to my personality. I still am constantly talking a little too loud. My girly high pitched sneeze still doesn’t fit my big 5’11” frame. I continue to tear up at the most ridiculous things, and will always ball during sappy movies.

But I feel like I’ve grown. Matured.

Matured. Ha. What does that even mean?

I used to laugh when people acted like spending a couple months away from home could change you.

It turns out they were right though.

I’m not that girl who naively thought she had it all figured out. I’m not the girl who wants to be like everyone else. I refuse to mute who I am. I’m not afraid to be different. To want different things than those around me.

Thank God, I’ve found my voice.

Isn’t it crazy? What a difference one little year can make?



  1. You WILL figure it out. :) Give yourself time.

    1. Patience is a virtue I often forget to remember, but I'm working on it. :)

  2. It is indeed crazy that a year can change someone so much! But it most certainly can. Go you! It's so hard to find your voice and be an individual!

    1. Thank you! & yes, it is! Very hard, but oh so worth it in the end. :)

  3. Very good thanks!!!!

  4. Ahh...but my babe is growing up :)
    I am very proud of you!
