Thursday, May 31, 2012

The bookworm in me

Couldn't have said it better myself.
That describes exactly how I feel as I request book after book from the library.

I recently read Katie Couric's new book The Greatest Advice I Ever Got.  It was the perfect book for me as I'm contemplating changing my major.  I am always on the lookout for a good book though.
Do any of you have suggestions?

Hope your four day work week is moving a little more quickly than mine.


  1. I heart books so much. Dream: build a library. I'm on my way there! what kind of books do you like to read? I have to admit I am a massive fantasy/sci-fi lover

    1. Oh, goodness! To have your own library would be wonderful! I rarely buy books because I go through them too quickly to have buying them make sense. But some day I would love to have many bookcases filled w/ my own personal collection. :)
      I like to read almost anything, but my favorites usually have at least a hint of a love story in them. :)

  2. i love books so much too :)

    just stumbled upon your blog - you have a beautiful heart and i love the thoughts you share.


    1. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me. I was just browsing through you're blog, and I believe we have quite a bit in common. I hope to hear from you more in the future! :)

  3. I am a book worm too, and check out at least 5 books from the library each week. Lol I found your blog on the catholic young women blog and saw that you left a comment on the latest post. I absolutely love your blog!! It is so cute, thoughtful and really fun to read:)
    By the way, what does L.A. stand for? Is it initials for your name?

    1. Haha ah yes, I consider an afternoon spent at the library a successful one. :) I'm glad you've stumbled upon my blog. As of now I prefer to keep this blog semi-anonymous, and L.A. is my pen-name. {& very possibly my initials as well.} ;)
