Yesterday I had a minor breakdown while thinking about the future.
I went to my school's website and printed off a list with every available major on it. I went through every. single. major. and crossed out one by one those that held no appeal for me. I ended up with my current major.
(English.) And one I've been secretly considering.
And then I started freaking out. big time. because those majors aren't "safe" majors. Earlier this year I decided I wanted to be a high school English teacher. That way I could have a job with holidays and weekends and summers off, all the while being able to work with literature and writing.
(Aka: my favorite subjects.) (Oh. And notice how safe that career would be?)
But as of late I've started dangerously dreaming about life as a writer
(but what kind of writer?) in the city.
Not some tiny Midwestern city. I want the bright lights of New York or Boston or hell even Chicago would do.
(Oops. There's my damn potty mouth again.) The problem with this BIG DREAM of mine is pretty evident to me though.
I've never really spent time in a big city. I mean I went to Chicago for a band trip in high school,
(yep. i was a band geek among other things. i played clarinet.) but that was a very touristy trip and years ago. I have no idea if I'm meant for city life. And frankly, I'm scared to find out.
My friend Ashley and I were having a discussion about this yesterday as well, and she kept encouraging me to suck it up and give journalism a try.
"You could live in New York," she said.
"We'll see," I said.
"You can't just 'we'll see' your dreams."
But I am.
At least for now. Unfortunately I've somehow managed to let fear get a hold of me.
And for now, it's winning this battle.