Saturday, November 10, 2012

N.Y.C., the place you'll take me someday,

I'm not sure how I feel about the way everyone always romanticizes New York City. Gosh. That was such a hasty generalization. I'm sorry. I'm not sure how I feel about the way my favorite kind of romantic comedy and my favorite kind of wistful writing, professional or not, always romanticizes New York City.

Why do they do that to silly dreamers like me? Paint it as this place where anything can happen in the turn of a corner? As this place where at any given second you could literally bump into your mister right? Where I could bump into You? As the place where the life that's too wonderful for you to possibly imagine, happens to you? Why do they do that?

Isn't that true of any place?

Can't any or all of that happen any where?

Doesn't it?

Every day?

Just something I'm pondering as I watch You've Got Mail pathetically and wonderfully alone tonight. Have you ever thought about that? If you haven't, you are now.


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