Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Channeling my inner Pocahontas

Something that baffles & impresses me to no end:
                          People with a spot on internal compass.

New life goal starting now:
                          Develop a semi-decent internal compass.
                          Or at least be able to tell North from South…       Someday.

I guess if I don’t end up mastering this I could always channel my inner Pocahontas and get myself a compass.



Side note: I was completely and utterly obsessed with Pocahontas as a kid. I’m talking had the pajama obsessed. Like talked to the tree outside of my window and pretended it was Grandmother Willow obsessed. Like even-had-the-Pocahontas-jean-backpack obsessed. Yes. Jean. Backpack. What can I say? I was a 90’s child.


  1. haha love that you talked to your tree outside your window, I love hearing about what others imagined as a kid, it's so important to hold on to and cherish those memories! <3 my boyfriend is one of those people who has an internal compass :( usually I'm pretty good if I can look at the sun though :)

    1. Haha yes, I was a silly kid... Those were the days though weren't they? :) And lucky for you for A. Having someone who's normally close with an internal compass & B. For having at least a smidge of an internal compass yourself! I, for one, am jealous.
