Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life is a funny thing

“Life is a funny thing.”  No truer words have ever been spoken in an Alanis Morissette song.  There are billions of people here on earth, each and every one of us a bit different than the next, but there will always be one thing we have in common.  We are all living this thing called life.

We do what we can with what we have.  Our strengths.  Our weaknesses. Our triumphs.  Our failures.  No matter what those things are, life keeps coming at us.  Some people try to make the best of it.  Some move through it without caring.  Others just struggle to make it through.

We either become wrapped up in our own little worlds, so shallow and insignificant, or do the best we can to see to it that everyone else's life turns out a little bit better because we were a part of it.  I choose the latter.  I always seem to befriend those who don't see themselves as worth other people's time.  They see themselves as a lost cause, too far gone to help, a hopeless mess.  Why they believe these stupid petty lies is beyond me.  Are they so wrapped up in their own pain and hardship to see what the world still has to offer them?

Yet here I am, the eternal optimist, the silly hopeless romantic, doing the best I can to show them that they aren't as bad as they seem.  With less than two decades of life lived, how hard is it to just start over?  So what if you've done some things you regret?  So what if you're life isn't what you thought it would be?  Was it a little tougher than you imagined?  Did you fall into something you are ashamed to admit?  A person's past does not define them.  Whoever fed that stupid damn lie to society should be slapped.

And yeah, people judge.  People are always going to judge you, no matter where you are in life or what choices you've made.  It's up to you to decide upon the type of life you want to live and stand up for that life, or at least not give a damn as to what other people think of it.  If you can't do that then maybe the life you're living isn't right for you.  Ever think about that?



  1. hi!! I'm so glad you followed my blog, because it led me to you and i'm so happy to meet you!

    you sound so like me it's not even funny :) :) :)

  2. I am so glad you're enjoying my blog! :) It's very nice to hear from someone within the community, and a kindred spirit too!
